By detecting and displaying the outline with the normal and depth map of the scene.
I created a new outline post-processing effect because ‘highlight layer,’ ‘render outline,’ and ‘edge rendering’ suffer from overlapping sides or imperfect rendering of rounded parts.
I think it’s pretty cool
If I have a chance, I will consider distributing it later.
The best (for everyone IMO) would be to rlease it as an npm package for both umd and es6, allowing people to decide whether or not they use it, and how.
I am planning on making a sample project that does exactly that, but I am nowhere near finding the time to do that. I will be happy to provide some guiding points, if you want.
However, if it fits in the core library, feel free to submit a PR! We love those . Due to back-compat, we will need to fully understand how it works, because it will have to be maintained.
Here’s an outline renderer that’s created with the comparable quality of the internal code of the Babylon.js engine. Use an implementation of the inverted hull outline method mmdOutlineRenderer.ts
And here’s a simple PG that uses the outline renderer.
This is probablu a dumb question, but would this work on instances? I’ve been waiting for something like this to “turn up” so I can decently highlight characters/items/etc… on mouseover for my project