Hello People!
First post in here, so be kind, please
I’ve been playing with BabylonJS for about 2 months on and off now, and really like it, the playground and docs make it WAY more accessible than other WebGL tools… so hats off to the makers!
I’ve been working on a scene which imports a GLB, I then attach particle emitters to some of the meshes, the scene is animated, and the emitters produce some lovely smoke trails.
Now, due to the nature of what I’m doing, I can’t post a direct link, however I have hacked about one of the playground examples to show the problem I am running up against:
Note the textures etc I am using are NOT what I use elsewhere, they look much better, this is just for debugging!
If you rotate the scene around, you will be able to see the linear emitter in the centre of the scene is passing through the drawn smoke ring in red. If you rotate around a bit, you can then also see that despite this, the red smoke is rendering over the top of the white smoke regardless of whether it is in front or behind the white smoke in space.
I have been through the docs and tried to find things in the playground, as well as google of course, but I am drawing a blank on this. I have tried playing with renderGroup (I think it was) with little improvement.
Interestingly, if I change the order I create the emitters in the code, then the priority also changes.
So, any ideas people?
Thanks very much,