PG provided. PBRMaterial prevent albedoColor and albedoTexture from blending together?

I forgot to answer and say thanks in that topic after “solving” my problem. Comment from @PatrickRyan is good description.

I actually even managed to make it work with custom shader:

At first glance, I think you would need a custom shader using a node material which uses an alpha channel in your albedoTexture to determine where the albedoTexture shows and where the albedoColor shows in your material. This is a simple lerp of the albedoTexture and the albedoColor using the alpha mask as the gradient. This output is then passed into the base color input of the PBRRoughnessMetallic node in the node material editor (NME).

…However it brings other issues. See my next topic :sweat_smile:

So from my small experience in PBR rendering you most likely don’t want to have both specific albedo color and albedo texture unless you really know what you’re doing.

In my case we did workaround by having separate material with albedo color, and separate material on different mesh “on top” of it with texture. In that way I could change color and texture separately and everything automatically renders nicely.

Fun thing is my case was very similar to yours, I was rendering a cup with user design on top :smiling_face: So in your case you could do something similar, by having 2 meshes/materials instead one. This will make everything much simpler in this case.