PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Template

Hi All,

I’ve created a car simulation example with Havok/PhysicsV2 that I think would be a great starting point for anyone interested! It implements:

  • Motorised joints for powered wheels and steering
  • Stiffness and damping (spring) 6DoF joints for suspension
  • Effective use of mass and friction

This means it might also be helpful for anyone struggling with those aspects of PhysicsV2.

PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Example | Babylon.js Playground (

Hope it helps!


Awesome, thank you for sharing :smile:

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This is absolutely amazing, thank you so much for sharing, I have been working on something like this for a while and couldn’t get it to work.

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Thanks for the positive feedback! Here’s what it can look like with a nice car model dropped in and some dramatic lighting -

Driving Simulation with Babylon.js / Havok Physics (


I changed your code and now the carpet floor is generated procedurally indefinitely!

PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Example (Endless carpet)

You just need to copy it and put it in the place of your code - PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Example | Babylon.js Playground (


There is also a second version with a broken floor

PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Example (The broken floor)

Запись_2024_12_14_06_35_54_915 (1)

PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Example (Endless backrooms)

Maybe someone will continue my idea