PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Template

Hi All,

I’ve created a car simulation example with Havok/PhysicsV2 that I think would be a great starting point for anyone interested! It implements:

  • Motorised joints for powered wheels and steering
  • Stiffness and damping (spring) 6DoF joints for suspension
  • Effective use of mass and friction

This means it might also be helpful for anyone struggling with those aspects of PhysicsV2.

PhysicsV2 Car Simulation Example | Babylon.js Playground (

Hope it helps!


Awesome, thank you for sharing :smile:

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This is absolutely amazing, thank you so much for sharing, I have been working on something like this for a while and couldn’t get it to work.

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Thanks for the positive feedback! Here’s what it can look like with a nice car model dropped in and some dramatic lighting -

Driving Simulation with Babylon.js / Havok Physics (