Since upgrading to 6.25, my pointerevent is not returning any meshes? has anything changed in this update?
Weirdly, If I add the inspector to the scene (import(“@babylonjs/inspector”)), my pointerEvents do start working and return the picked mesh? Am I missing something obvious?
Which pointerevent are you using? Can you set up an out of playground repro, if possible? I’ve tried with pointerpick and the pointer observable but it looks ok here.
I can’t seem to reproduce that. Can you make sure you are loading the Ray file as a side effect? import "@babylonjs/core/Culling/ray";? Could that be the issue?
In most cases you will be notified by the framework itself. Most of those side effects are documented here -
However, in this case, since it is a function that is constantly called (the pick function), we didn’t want to throw an error or pollute the console with warning messages. I’ll try thinking of a smart(er) solution so it will be clear in the future.
My rule of thumb is to try and import once from @babylonjs/core (without any file). If that helps to resolve the issue, it is a tree shaking / side effect problem . importing directly from @babylonjs/core will practically import the entire framework and will tree shake very poorly.