I’m exporting an animation of a character, but it’s not coming out correctly.
This is the position he should be in animation
That is the position that is exported.
I’m exporting an animation of a character, but it’s not coming out correctly.
This is the position he should be in animation
Adding @Guillaume_Pelletier for the exporter part, would help if you let us know what kind of export, babylon or gltf and if you could share your source file ?
@Hugo_Dalben hi! Just checking in if you got the animation to work or if we can help you with something. Btw, cool Saci!
I made a method I found here, slightly changed the rotation of joints without animation, it worked… Now the character doesn’t stay in random positions… But I still consider it a bug to fix.
@Hugo_Dalben would be great if you could provide the below info so that we investigate further:
I’m using babylon for Maya, this was for Maya 2019, I was exporting as glb file.
Can you share your source file? Doesn’t need to be public, you can DM one of the mods