Hello! I’m trying to pull the texture on such a platform. The platform is an imported model in fbx format.
Texture in jpg format size 640x480.
When I try to stretch the texture, the platform just changes color, but the picture itself is not visible.
It was played in the console with the parameters: uScale, vScale, vAngle … and so on.
There is no sense - the platform just changes color - but the pattern itself is not visible.
Below is the result of the work and the texture itself.
If I stretch the same texture onto an ordinary box or plane, everything works fine. The feeling that the scales do not converge somewhere.
Tell me what I could do wrong.
Here is an example of how the texture is stretched:
var material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial ("sliceColor", Game.Scene);
material.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture ('/ img / materials / platforms / platform.jpg', Game.Scene);
Here is platform with texture.
Texture options: