Navigation is possible by clicking on arrows or just scroll the page
It is my first Babylon.js project and also first time I am using Blender/Bforartists.
This is work in progress(!) - so some bugs need to be still fixed, some things are still not interactive (e.g. process), mobile version also will be made and end is missing - it stops it “statistics”. But overall development is coming to an end so I decided to post it here.
Any feedback is welcome - so I can improve it until final version
My first concern would be - are there any serious performance issues? Target group would be mostly Windows desktop users with standard office but no game PC hardware - around 1-3 years old. I am using a 5 year old iMac which is also quite old and it works fine.
These are two scenes and are switched at entering/leaving the monitor. this made it much easier to construct these different scenes at different scale.
to the monitor kinda feels like too much. I have to scroll a lot and I don’t gain much with each scroll. Fixes of dopamine are not there (haha).
I feel like there are several places like this in whole experience. So maybe you can think about the flow of each scroll, and what is important to see, and how long do I need to scroll to see the next section.
yeah you can also grab the scroll bar - it is not hidden.
There are not so many sites like this so I first wanted to make a blog article about how I made this (starting from export from Blender,…) but just had not time for this unfortunately.
For me the most interesting part is how you bind page scrolling with 3D events (there are different ways to do it) and which problems you had (if any) and how they were solved
Do you have a screenshot of what you are trying to do cause there are a couple different setups you could have.
I think if you are talking about placing content at a certain place while other stuff scrolls takes a little math but it is doable. I just gotta figure out really what you need before I send you down the wrong path.
Well, so this is the example - scroll.js - Babylon JS Example 2
When you scroll, the heading “BJS Example 2” goes up and down slightly till it disappear. Is it possible to make this heading to sit still?