'Project Chair' in preview environment - A Designer's playground open to all

I have updated the preview environment to version with the following:

First and most importantly for this preview/pg environment, I have added to the nodes <_plane> object, a new <_sphere> and a new <_cube> object. All objects you can make visible and use to browse and preview/compare &tweak materials. Feel free to play with this and ask for more (like a vertical plane, a source plane…)

Other small changes I did towards the official release is that I slightly modified the glass table model, adding a small profile to the glass to make it more realistic (before it was just a cube). Also changed the thickness of the glass object to something more likely for a table {~6mm, before 12+ lol).

Imported objects (currently only tables) now wait on full promise with accurate positioning depending on layout before appearing (small fix).

There are still only 2 tables available to import at this time. A 3rd and last one for this demo is underway.

As a side note, I’m still evaluating the final design and materials used for this demo. Though at this point, one (me;) would need to make a choice. PBR vs STD, HDR/.dds vs STD (reworked)?¿

Well, have fun playing and twisting it and stay tuned. :slightly_smiling_face: