I saw this recently and wondered if it’d be a viable option for Babylon.js?
You mean babylon.js?
From babylon.js docs:
Changed, thanks!
I’ve seen Babylon’s GI but I thought this radiance cascades was a new/different technique? Likely I misunderstood.
I know sh*t about radiance cascade lighting but I think GI is the first step to implement it. Isn’t it?
From what I understood in the video, this is a cheaper/faster method of doing GI.
Did you catch this one?
Yeah I saw that one too.
I honestly don’t know enough about the different techniques to determine pros and cons of each.
Those smart people inventing the cool stuff are literally throwing so many new sh*t on us devs that it’s damn hard to follow… Wish I had three heads
It’s good to have options
Back then when our country was occupied by the bad guys and we had a communist regime here you had two options when choosing kitchen tiles: white or red
Nowadays WTF you can’t choose because you have so many options available. To much of good is not good either LOL