Selecting a specific node/mesh


I have the following structure of nodes:

- FirstTransformNode
-- MainGroup
-- ... (other groups/meshes)
- SecondTransformNode
-- MainGroup
-- ... (other groups/meshes)

How can I select the MainGroup from the second transform node optimally?

If I go with the scene.getNodeByName I will get the first one.
If I select the SecondTransformNode I need to manually go through all the children and identify the one I’m interested in.

Is there a selector for Nodes to specify the parent and node that you want to search or a getNodeByName on the children of the nodes?

Is it possible for you to rename the nodes and meshes so they have a unique name. Beside name you can also use id and scene.getNodeByID. You can also use scene.getTransformNodeByUniqueID or scene.getMeshByUniqueID . The uniqueID is set internally by BJS and can be changed under some circumstances, eg in the playground.