Semi-procedural landscape generation

Hello there!

I’d like to share my new project, where we will explore methods for generating semi-procedural landscapes in BabylonJS.

In the article, I provide detailed explanations of several approaches to creating canvas geometry, show how to implement canvas movement with the user while eliminating terrain jitter, and describe the creation of a material responsible for landscape visualization. And also found a way to enable smooth movement across the surface with a collider synchronized to the relief!

If you’re interested in creating immersive, optimized landscapes for large scenes in BabylonJS, check out the article. I hope this material will be useful for your next project. I’d love to hear your questions and any suggestions for improvements!

Looking forward to your feedback and comments!

Live demo

Thanks to @Blax and @Krilabdon for their ideas and suggestions that helped me make this happen!

Please note that the demo is not optimized for mobile devices. So it is better to use a PC)


OMG! I thought it was real!

Fantastic job!


and using NME! You know I love that right? :smiley:


I fell in love with NME) :rofl:

I also have a question. Should I make the same topic in section of tutorials or this is enough?


No please do! the more we talk about it the better!

Speaking of NME, I added some cool stuff recently:
Introducing: On Node Properties - Announcements - Babylon.js


The best thing that can happen for me is when I see talented people like you using my tools. This is the best feeling ever!


Thank you for your kind words)

I have been working with BabylonJS for over 5 years and what I can say about the project is that it is made with love and by very talented people, thank you for that @babylon-js-team)


Wow! This is a very useful and convenient functionality, a great feature

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This is so good. I love NME too.
Thanks for your work and share Simon! :heart_eyes:


It wasn’t quick, but you’ve finally done it! Congrats! :slightly_smiling_face:

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