Skeleton-Animation in 3DS Max will not export to GLB

Hallo all, I’ m a newbie in Babylon-Forum and in Babylon-Plugin at all.
I have a problem to get out simple 3D animations from 3DS Max 2021.
When I export a simple transition animation into a GLB-File it works fine, I see the right result in the 3D-Viewer.
But I need to get it into the Microsoft Powerpoint “3D world”, and there I don’t see the animation.
Microsoft Powerpoint support only skeleton-animations (bones/skin), written in their own documentations.
Therefore I change the simple transition-animation in a skeleton-transition-animation in 3DS Max, what means, that I animated the bone and added the object as a “skin” to it. When I export to FBX and import into Powerpoint, it works and I can see the animation in PP. When I export the same to GLB with the Babylon exporter, it doesn’t. I tried out already many things, but in the export-nodes from the Babylon exporter it says always “no animation data for this animation, it is ignored.”
I’m a little bit desperate, because I can’t find a solution. Is it just to mark the cross on the right place?
Thank you for any help.

Adding both @Guillaume_Pelletier and @bghgary to the party

My first question will be : when you export your GLB to Babylon Sandbox, does it work ?
If yes, then this is an issue on what kind of animation may excel support.
If not, please provide us with a sample to reproduce.

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This seems to indicate that there is a way to get it into GLB form. When you import an FBX into PowerPoint, it will convert the FBX to GLB internally. You can crack open the PPT as a zip and find the GLB if you really want.

Short-term, what are you trying to do? If you are trying to get the model into PowerPoint, it sounds you can use FBX to do it. If you need the actual GLB, you can try the trick I mentioned above.

If you must use the exporter to export directly to GLB and it is not working, as @Guillaume_Pelletier says, please provide a 3DS Max 2021 file that reproduces the problem.

Hello guys,
thanks for helping.
I try to decide whether I go with FBX-export or with the Babylon-GBL-export.
Because these are two different things in matter of materials inside of 3DS Max.
After decision I will build up a FBX-export material library or a Babylon-export library.

I have upload a 3DS Max-file with a very simple skeleton-bone-animation, where the Babylon-GLB-export don’t show this animation in the Babylon Sandbox nor in any other 3D viewer.
With the export-nodes from the Babylon exporter “no animation data for this animation, it is ignored.” (168.2 KB)

Or to make it simple:
Does the 3ds Max Babylon Exporter support skeleton bone Animation?
Because this is the only way to get animation into Powerpoint :woozy_face:

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Yes, skeletal animations are supported by the exporter.

@Guillaume_Pelletier will have a look at your files shortly

Found an “interesting” bug-logic into the bone hierarchy export. Because it’s so huge, and at the center of the skeleton export, i have to conduct more tests before doing any PR.
Please tell me if this exported GLB is suitable for your need. (36.7 KB)

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Thanks Guillaume, unfortunently I am not in the office right now (or lucky that I have vacations)

And I can’t check. But I will be right back to you, when I am in the office again the 03.01.2022.

Happy Christmas, good new year!


Hello Guillaume,
I hope you had a good start in the New Year.
Your you mailed me still last year, worked out fine!
At least the animation is in the GLB integrated!
How did you do?
One thing in this GLB is still strange: In Powerpoint, when I orbit the scenary around, the blue ball (the one,which is not moving) clips away (disappears) like if there is an far clipping border.

Hey guys,
Guillaume seems not be in house anymore to tell me how he exported my sample max-file.

Here again my problem:
I don’t get animated bones nodes out of 3D Max with glb-export.
Guillaume send me his exported glb-File back, which has the animation embedded.
Is it perhaps the version of exporter?
He had “vCustom.Build.Version” und I have “v20211115.1” (v23.2.0.0) in my glb-file.

By the way I get normal object translation animation well out in a glb-file, but I need the skeleton-animation.
Thanks for taking it up again.

Hey guys,
Guillaume seems not be in house anymore to tell me how he exported my sample max-file.

Here again my problem:
I don’t get animated bones nodes out of 3D Max with glb-export.
Guillaume send me his exported glb-File back, which has the animation embedded.
Is it perhaps the version of exporter?
He had “vCustom.Build.Version” und I have “v20211115.1” (v23.2.0.0) in my glb-file.

By the way I get normal object translation animation well out in a glb-file, but I need the skeleton-animation.
Thanks for taking it up again.

@Guillaume_Pelletier probably just missed the ping nw He ll get back to you ASAP

I did not got the message forwarded to my mailbox at all… strange…
Anyway, i made a PR in December regarding this.
So just updating to the newer version should make the trick.