I know that position, rotation, scaling for nodes we can type from a keyboard but it would be MUCH better if Inspector would have some sliders to set values in some quick way.
What do you think guys?
Or some controls like this: click position label and drag it horizontally. Maybe with holding Shift to snap the grid values. Without visual controls or smth like that. Simply but useful. As for developing it’s just read and set value from textfield, change, and set it back
Aslo it would be useful to dragging nodes using Inspector gizmos holding Shift to snap values to some grid values.
It could be great for the rotation properties because the min and max values of the sliders are known (between 0 and 360°) but for the scale and position properties, it seems not to be so easy.
Well, then it could just change values without using range. I mean clicking on property name label and dragging it horizontally. It could change values with some fixed step. Or snapped by some grid values.
I mean you don’t even need creating visual nodes for sliders. But it will help using Inspector a lot.
What step units do you need, for example? There are some options could be with dragging and pressing: shift (increments +0.1 unit), ctrl (+1.0), ctrl+shift (+10.0 or +5.0), pressing alt could snap to some small values like (0.01). Or it can work like it does in Blender, when you pressing Shift, it allows you to slide more precisely by slowing down the slider speed.
You could have a relative slide. Wherever you tap is the current value. Then slide changes the value exponentially (multiply instead of add) from the tap point, with speed taken into account.
Edit: using raw pointer movement on scene. Could use an actual control or hotspot, but this is the idea.
FWIW Tweakpane has a really interesting solution for this sort of thing - you can manually set a value in the text input or drag a handle in either direction, even beyond the limited width of the text input element, to provide a much wider range of values than a traditional slider, without impacting input sensitivity / step value, or requiring any extra horizontal space. It’s similar to Blender’s solution except that it shows a visible vector of the drag direction and magnitude.