I looked through the part about sprite rendering in the babylon source code, and I found that every frame, the vertex data of all sprites in the spritemanager will be re-uploaded.
So, my question is, is my understanding wrong? If my understanding is correct, then the rendering efficiency will be very bad. Although there is only one drawcall, there are a large number of buffers that need to be uploaded to the GPU.
Hope someone can answer it, thank you.
// packages/dev/core/src/Sprites/spriteRenderer.ts
export class SpriteRenderer {
public render() {
for (let index = 0; index < max; index++) {
const sprite = sprites[index];
if (!sprite || !sprite.isVisible) {
noSprite = false;
const baseSize = this.texture.getBaseSize(); // This could be change by the user inside the animate callback (like onAnimationEnd)
this._appendSpriteVertex(offset++, sprite, 0, 0, baseSize, useRightHandedSystem, customSpriteUpdate);
if (!this._useInstancing) {
this._appendSpriteVertex(offset++, sprite, 1, 0, baseSize, useRightHandedSystem, customSpriteUpdate);
this._appendSpriteVertex(offset++, sprite, 1, 1, baseSize, useRightHandedSystem, customSpriteUpdate);
this._appendSpriteVertex(offset++, sprite, 0, 1, baseSize, useRightHandedSystem, customSpriteUpdate);