This problem bothered me for a long time. I used MergedMesh ThinInstance and Mesh ThinInstance to display the model information. The Mesh Thin Instance has no problem when picking, but the Merged Mesh Thin Instance always fails to pick up when picking. I know thinInstanceEnablePicking attributes, but it doesn’t work. I uploaded a PG, the basic logic is the same as the local code, the PG works.
Then, debugging Babylonjs source code locally, I discovered a mystery. The world is global. I don’t understand the origin coordinates of the ray generated according to the world. Then the ray is used for the intersection test with the mesh, but the origin of this ray is definitely disjoint with the mesh. I think this problem should cause the merged mesh ThinInstance to fail to pick up.
can you share the project itself? if the playground is working it’s (probably?) something in the way the project consumes babylon, but of course nothing is certain until we are able to debug this together with you