Dear Forum,
I encountered a strange problem: The BJS-project I’m working on right now is running like a charme in my local MAMP development setup. However, when I upload it to the testserver i get
“Uncaught TypeError: this._engine._features is undefined uniformBuffer.ts:254:12
e uniformBuffer.ts:254
createSceneUniformBuffer scene.ts:2632
createSceneUniformBuffer engine.multiview.ts:204
_createUbo scene.ts:2151
e scene.ts:1908
scene game.js:1848”?
Even stranger: In an earlier Version it ran online and locally… I have changed nothing in regards to the way I setup the scene or the engine, only added some particeemitters and instances and load two more *.glb-files…
this.engine= new BABYLON.Engine(this.canvas, true);
this.scene = new BABYLON.Scene(this.engine);
Has someone encountered something like this before and can maybe point me in the right direction on how to fix this issue?