this._light.needCube is not a function at e._createTargetRenderTexture

providing a screenshot without explaining won’t help us help you. reproduce on the playground, show us the position in which it happens, explain when it happens.

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I ran into this recently. The light you are passing in cannot be a hemisphere light. Not sure if this is by design or not.

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Passing in what ???


I think @bghgary meant passing a hemispheric light to a shadow generator. It is not supported indeed, only point, spot and directional lights can generate shadows.

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Yes. I think maybe we should throw a more user friendly error message when someone does this.

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ShadowGenerator takes only IShadowLight as an input and hemispheric is not implementing it :slight_smile: so I am not to double check types again or we should do that in a lot of other places ?

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Oh, I guess that’s fine then.

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