Trying to create a sphere aura effect with Fresnel, no luck :(

You can see a demo here of what I could get Playground

please note at actual code, Im using randomColor like this.

const [r,g,b] = randomColor({luminosity: 'light', hue: 'red', format: 'rgbArray'})
const color = Color3.FromInts(r,g,b)//where in playground I used Color3.Random()

But this is what I intend to achieve.

I’m not entirely sure I’m following, but I added playerMaterial.alpha = 0.2 to your playground and it looks closer to the images you posted.

You can try playing around with the alpha. Setting the material transparency to 0 has an interesting effect too.


hey yup this is what I wanted exactly like this. thanks for pointing out :slight_smile:
