hello everyone,I want to connect babylon with unity.
Today I use unityExporter to generate a website successfully,and it looks good. but when I export scene ,I can’t find the file.
I want to export the unity scene to (.babylon) file. What should I do?
I have used BABYLON for a year. BABYLON is powerful and easy to use.But sometimes I am confused because my art skills are poor. Every time I create a scene, Every time I create a scene, it’s very low-level. I don’t know how to communicate with my art colleagues.Please help me.
Require extension CVTOOLS_babylon_mesh is not available - Content creation (3dsMax, Maya, Blender, glTF) - Babylon.js (babylonjs.com)
I make every mesh’s metadata null in the exported scene,so I get the .babylon file.(unity metadata can’t be serialized!)
But I drop this file in babylon sandbox,light map display error!
if I build project in this way, the scene have no camera.
Hmmm I think @MackeyK24 will be the best person to understand what is going on with the export settings here.
hello everyone! It’s because the glb modle is in right hand system,but the lightMap is in left hand system.I need to make the lightMap texture uScale or vScale = -1;
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just try then invertY parameter when loading the texture maybe ?
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