Babylon build works fine in unity, throws type errors and “BABYLON.SceneManager.GetRenderQuality is not a function” when running on server as shown below. Any suggestions on issue?
Unity 2021.3.12f1, Babylon Toolkit V5.0.0-A2x (tried several version).
@MackeyK24 I had to migrate assets to a new project and rebuild, for some reason this unity project just kept throwing these errors on rebuild when trying to check the obvious.
Is there a particular procedure to return Babylon toolkit to initial state? Wondering if project became corrupt but errors didn’t seem to clear even when flushing unity project including [Babylon] + [Config} folders.
Any suggestions in case issue arises in the future?
Unfortunately I deleted the old project once migrating scene to new project to resolve issues, if this happens again I’ll make contact and share a copy.