Unity Toolkit - problem to load page on the preview

Hi, I am using Unity 2020.3.26f1 (Personal) and Babylon editor toolkit v 5.0.0.A631X. I have successfully build a simple scene but when click on Preview button it fail to load script files:

. When click F12 I have the follow error: 1. SCRIPT1005: SCRIPT1005: Expected ‘(’

engine.html (509,72)

Please help!

Adding the amzing @MackeyK24 daddy of the toolkit

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Thank you @sebavan! Hope @MackeyK24 will see this. Is it possible that the problem come that I am on Windows 10?

Are you sure you have typescript configured?

Thank you @MackeyK24 for the response.
I installed typescript with:
npm install -g typescript

and have this in Unity:

Do you min something else?

Does it show anything in the console when you build ?

nothing wrong
Web server running on port: 8888
TestBabylonjs2 project generated in 16.23 seconds.

Hello @kokostar just checking in, do you still have this issue?

Hi @carolhmj thank you for the interest. Yes I didn’t solve the problem. However this is not critical, since compiling and exporting is working, so I can visualize the result by the usual way using python http server.