I have a problem with a mesh having weird shading, and I was able to get close to the look I want in blender by adding a normal map node (without any normal map image) and changing the space of the input normal from Tangent space to World space.
But when I export this to Babylon via .glb, it seems to completely ignore this change. Is it because there is no actual normal map image? Is there a way to somehow force a material to use world space normals in babylon?
Welcome to the forum!
I think seeing the mesh or some form of a reproduction would be important for us to be able to help 
Thank you for the warm welcome and the fast reply (also my apologies for taking this long to reply to your message). 
Your answer made me think that the problem should be solved in a different way, rather than using different space for the normals so I solved it by completely redoing the normals in the mesh in blender.
Out of curiosity - is there a way to use world space normals for a material in babylon? In the inspector I saw that I can change it between object and tangent space, but not world. Is this something that can be done through NME instead maybe?
I am happy you found a solution 
There are many blender experts roaming around the forum. I am sure you will get an answer very soon