Using Babylon.js to help sketch Interior Design

I thought I would share this one with you, although it’s nothing really ‘evolved’.
Actually, that’s the point: It is all very simple, fast and straight forward to do using our favorite tool/toy. :child: :smiley:

Case is this one (I’ll put it short). I was having a friendly conversation with an interior designer. Something around these parts:

Designer: OMG, I did draw the floorplan and the AXOs and now the client is asking me to draw a perspective view of the bar area!

Me: Draw? you mean by hand? what for?

Designer: Dunno. But I need to deliver. It’s gonna take me ages to already just select a perspective and then, draw it, with all correct sized objects and volume in a perspective… hey, mawa, you’re a digital designer… anyway you could build-out a perspective view in photoshop or such?

Me: You mean from a 2D app. Like 2.5D. Yeah… feasible. But what if you want to make changes to it. And then next what, are you going to draw on top of this perspective view (like print and scan and draw on top of it)

Designer: Yes, that would be ideal.

Me: Hum? Doesn’t sound ideal to me. It would be a lot easier if you could make your own perspective and capture. And may be, make layers, to capture just some object groups and not having to draw them all at once?… What about 3D? What about real-time 3D? You know I use Babylon.js, I recon it would be quite simple to create this scene with a number of options you can tweak.

Designer: Really? How much time?

Me: Well, you should have used 3D in the first place;) I wouldn’t have to model all objects. But…let me look at this… there are very few models and since we want only the edge rendering, building these low-poly models should be like ‘a day at the beach’… next, I can recycle parts from some other projects of mine… I suppose, may be about 20h.

Designer: Deal :money_mouth_face:. Let me know when it’s done…

There you go… Alpha version (still requires some more input and a number of fixes):

Conclusion: Sketching with BJS is like ‘holidays’ :beach_umbrella: for someone like me. No fancy maths, no complex coding, just a simple straight-forward journey using the awesome capabilities and simplicity of our favorite framework. I hope I will have more projects like this one and I also encourage you to make use of what we have here to not further delay the use of real-time 3D in projects. Even at an early stage. I believe it’s totally worth it.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading and …Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:


I genuinely loved reading your story :smiley:

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nice one!

when i tried it all the food seemed to be sold out. Also , the pretty bar ladyseems to have already gone home. :wink:

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Did you try the dock menu icons?
Capture d’écran 2024-10-28 à 18.05.28

Else, may be you where just too late. We close the kitchen early in :switzerland: Costs too much money to pay the employees after business hours :joy:

For me the barlady is gigantic x)


WoW. Indeed. And all the dishes also are.
Looks like there must have been some error on loading…
May be you could try again and send me a screenshot of the error log? :pray:

Happening on Linux, only on Firefox (chrome seems to be fine). All is good first time it loads, on page reload the error happens.

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Yeah, well. It has been done for the use of just a couple of people. Using win10/11 and chrome or edge. It’s also the very first alpha. Nothing has been done to handle this. I might come back to it later (only for the sake of consistency showing this demo here). Thanks a lot for reporting and for the SS :pray:. Still a number of things to be done.

FYI: pizzamat is defined in the material script. Looks like the async loading, promise and then… is kind of failing in this particular case. As I said, will may be fix this later :sweat_smile:

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Awesome, this has me thinking back to hand drawn architectural blueprints X.X

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