In our project, we use MSAA and have recently moved to use an “HDR” framebuffer using the R11G11B10F format, and when enabling multisampling we get INVALID_OPERATION errors from OpenGL when rendering, more specifically my drivers tell me:
Attempt to blit from a multisampled framebuffer and the bounds or format of the color buffer don't match with the draw framebuffer.
Example recreating the issue: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#FRJCAE
If you disable MSAA (set the last parameter of the RenderTargetTexture constructor to 1), the error goes away and all works as it should, but now you of course don’t have MSAA.
(Please note here I refer to the format as R11G11B10F, which is called TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV
in Babylon).
Looking more closely at the issue, I found that this issue is caused by the _getRGBAMultiSampleBufferFormat
function in thinEngine.ts
missing a lot of cases for color-renderable formats, such as R11G11B10F. So with this function, the multisampling framebuffer is created with RGBA8 instead, while the internal non-multisampled framebuffer you blit to is created with the R11G11B10F format which then errors when Babylon blits between these as their formats are incompatible. No error or warning is given by Babylon indicating you didn’t get the render target you requested.
Simply adding R11G11B10F as a case in the _getRGBAMultiSampleBufferFormat
function makes it work as expected, and we’ve run this in our own environment at least quite a bit, and has worked great for us!
I’m not sure why the decision was made to separate the multisample buffer format from the non-multisample buffer format (as they’re usually the same), but maybe you’ve decided to not support certain formats, or any other reason I’m probably missing!
But the commons ones that I think it’s missing are:
- R11G11B10F
- RG16F
- RG32F
- R8, RG8
Nonetheless, it would be nice to get an error message from Babylon if I’m trying to create a render target with an incompatible/unsupported format, instead of this GL error which was fairly hard to track down why it gave an error.
And of course, preferably, we would like R11G11B10F to be supported here, as it’s a very nice format for simple HDR rendering without sacrificing framebuffer bandwidth
All the best,