Very, very much want to add deferred rendering, global illumination

Nice to hear :ok_hand: I will keep an eye out for the v1 ^^

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I still have no idea what “deferred rendering, global illumination” means ;p

Sounds like it could be neat.

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I will keep an eye out for the v1 ^^

awesome! tysm : )

I made it camera independent in the recent version

but it doesn’t quite work w/ the postprocessing pipeline, Ion think any custom post process does?

Figuring out what’s up w/ that, will let you know when I have it working : )

edit: my bad it does work, skill issue, I didn’t rtfm that I needed to make a render effect first : /

edit 2: well it works but for multiple views it only calculates pbr lighting correctly for one cam : /

I still have no idea what “deferred rendering, global illumination” means ;p

global illumination is → u get lighting at places only bounced light can reach, babylon alr has that : )

that’s a different thing tho

Deferred rendering is → you do the lights in your scene as a postprocess, so it fast as frikk : D