WebXR - Demo-Playgrounds not Working?

Hey there,

I just ran upon this ( WebXR Augmented Reality Features - Babylon.js Documentation ) docs-page and wanted to test the different Demo-Playgrounds provided at the bottom of page (XR-measurement-tape and place a mesh in space).
I tried them both on a handful of phones but it seems like they don’t work?
Any ideas what went wrong there?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Cytexx… welcome to the forum, sorry for the slow replies.

No solutions… mostly wanted to say welcome and bump your issue to top of list.

Stay tuned for more/wiser words. thx.

Hi @Cytexx, welcome to the forum!

Certain features need to be enabled for this demo to work. You will also need to test using the latest chrome on an android phone.

To enable the xr features go to chrome://flags in your browser and enable webxr incubation

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