WebXR-friendly pop-up dialog box

I made a simple pop-up that’s webXR-friendly for someone, and thought this might be something we’d want to include in the core repo.

Notification dialog | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)

It’s basically a custom HolographicSlate right now, but do people think it’d be good to have as a premade Control?

Related, I found this forum post before, which sounds like they wanted the same thing:
Manage on click event and open popup in WebXr - Questions - Babylon.js (babylonjs.com)


cc @RaananW ?

this is awesome! Can probably be in our documentation demo? Or do you see that as a dialog component?

I was imagining adding it as a dialog component, so developers can specify the title, body, and buttons, then trigger the pop-up to appear in front of the user.
I’m fine with including it in a demo though, since it showcases one way to make a clean-looking dialog for XR/3D experiences.

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If it makes sense to add all of the plumbing in a single component, let’s do that! Will probably have to wait for after 5.0 release though

If it’s going into core it might be worth setting the button’s hoverCursor to pointer. :blush:

In XR, the “hover cursor” is a little round dot from the ray from the controller. If something is not pickable, then no dot (at least in Oculus. I do not have one of enterprise AR headsets).

Now if you are also indicating that a dialog box exist in 3D space, regardless of being in XR or not, then that might be a different story.

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