I’m trying to run webxr samples in my HTC Vive heasets (Vive Pro and Vive Cosmos).
I use Google Chrome 80, enabled OpenVR flags.
The “headset icon” appears on playground example targeting WebXR, but when I click on them, the headset display a panel with “Chrome” and a loading animation and get stuck.
Anyone has a solution for using BabylonJS + WebXR using HTC vive (or any SteamVR headset) ?
I have to admit that I haven’t tried WebXR with any vive headset, so these are only guesses.
WebXR on desktop is currently officially supported on one type of headsets - microsoft mixed reality. Oculus support was always behind a flag, and was a bit complicated to get working. I hope they improved it by now.
Try playing with the flags in chrome://flags - cancel the XR sandboxing (or enable it, if disabled), and enable OpenXR. Try a combination of those and see if one of them is working.
I will do some research to see if Vive is working with any other webxr implementation - did you get it to work with the webxr sample page (WebXR - Samples) without polyfill?