WebXR teleportation disables selection

… and does not re-enable it, ever.

Tested with WMR and Oculus Quest, same.


Bug: https://www.vrspace.org/babylon/xr-teleportation-bug.html
Workaround: https://www.vrspace.org/babylon/xr-teleportation-workaround.html
( no loading indicator, give it time to load 60+MB after click )

By the looks of _setTargetMeshVisibility in Babylon.js/WebXRControllerTeleportation.ts at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub
I’d move that if on top of method, maybe some earlier if/return kicks.

Thanks folks, keep up the good work!

Hi, thanks for reporting

I am pretty sure the feature is working correctly, but I guess you found a certain condition in which it doesn’t. Want to provide a playground or a code snippet?


here you go: Babylon.js Playground

awesome. got it :slight_smile:
Fixing it right now, will be ready by next playground deployment

You can track it here - [XR] Pointer selection motion controller callback not triggered when already attached · Issue #8227 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub