What Tutorial Videos Should We Make?

I just started learning BJS, and one of the issues that’s a big confusing is deciding which strategy to use for animation. There are a number of ways in BJS to create things that move — animate, physics engine, etc. A short video series that gives you a quick overview of what you can do and the pros and cons of different approaches would be helpful.

Thanks for asking!


Thanks for the idea! We’re actively putting together a list of different ideas from folks throughout this thread and are planning on releasing more content throughout the summer and beyond.


That’s great! Given that I’m new to BabylonJS but have lots of experience teaching coding to adults in nonprofits & corporations, if it’s ever useful I’m happy to try out & give feedback on draft tutorials.


A tutorial video and specifications/documentation on VR metrics is needed. Currently there is not any information on how to properly configure the VR-metric values.

After reading docs/api and searching online all I can say is that the parameters for VR (VRCameraMetrics) are magic numbers. There remain lots of questions on this topic:

  • How to calculate chromaAbCorrection and distortionK for the different VR-devices?
  • How to measure different values on the different VR-devices and how do these correspond to the BabylonJS VRCameraMetrics parameters? Maybe a collection of these measurements can be created for a variety of (popular) devices; GearVR, Carboard v1 and v2, etc.
  • The interpupillaryDistance is a number that is 64mm on the avarage human. All these known factors can be included in the instructions (docs/video).
  • It is unclear what type of values to use on certain parameters. For example this is displayed on the site: vScreenSize:number, Define the vertical screen size. :arrow_right: I know it is a number, but not what unit of measurement is expected (in mm/cm/m/inch)?
  • The VRCameraMetrics has a GetDefault method to retrieve default parameters for VR-settings. What are those values and what VR-device and mobile-device correspond to it?

Can we add a calibration test specifically for BabylonJS, to calibrate the current mobile and VR-device combination? External calibration test return values that don’t correspond with the parameters BabylonJS use. On other questions QR-codes are recommended, but this presents the same problems. Besides those QR-codes aren’t always on the VR-device.
For mobile it is recommended to get the WebVR-polyfill library as a substitute or an addition. But this library provides more then getting the proper values, making it to big.Besides the values again do not correspond with the BabylonJS parameters.

Lots of questions about the VR settings. Not sure if this is the right place for it.


I have to throw my vote in with everybody else for shaders. A nice gentle intro with bjs flexing out some instant rewards sounds amazing. Is it GLSL we are using?

VR stuff sounds super cool also, though I dont have the kit for it. Are those google cardboard things still around and cheap? Is there a cheap controller solution to go with? I’d love to get a jumpstart on those specifics. XR is pretty clearly going to be widespread, omnipresent - don’t want to miss that train.

Re: shaders The Book of Shaders: What is a shader? was a really clear description to me. Ideas of what can be done (are skeletal animations this?) Also have me stoked to learn more.


Did not read all the posts here, so sorry if It is already mentioned. For me as a new user, one of the things I am strugeling with is the many slightly similar or “overlapping” functioality. I guess a lot of things are the way they are to not brake compatibility with older versions, and to address slightly different use cases, like activeCamera and activeCameras. If I had been following the development for a long time I would pick up on these differences and built up an understanding of why something was introduced compared to similar functionality. So to get back to the activeCamera(s) as an example, I think this should be more clear in the documentation when you mention activeCamera, also atleast mention there is also an activeCameras, and which use cases this is used. So I guess my suggestion for video tutorials would be some overview/basics tutorials about the moste essential things for new users. If you make a series about things like the basic setup, how babylon handles the the render loop, cameras, loading assets, basic GUI and so on. Some short 5 min videos on each would fit for this I think, keeping it small but mentioning all current options for that particular feature. Then you can build on that again once you introduce new features, so you can link back to the older “intro” videos and then just mention what is new compare to this, so people can go back and refresh the basics. Don’t get me wrong I think the amount of documentation is vell above average compared to similar projects, but it takes a bit of time to find the right information in some cases. More mention of when a feature was introduced would also be nice, especialy for features that are still in preview, and not avalable in stable. Well, that is my 2 cent anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:


Lots of folks in this thread seem to be interested in shader tutorials. If you haven’t already, dive in and check out the Node Material Editor (NME). It’s a great way to get started on creating your own shaders!


Like that NME! And trig integration example is secret-sauce. :pray: Thank you Mr.JCP!

Desmos | Graphing Calculator (empty graph)
sinwave | Desmos (sinwave function above)
Looks like precursor to… other great things!
Clear feature path. BABYLON does all things different and better. So we adopt early.
LUV - “Save Unique URL”. How to export to code? (looking…) “GENERATE CODE!”

BETTER THAN :christmas_tree:

Srlsly, amazing work. Great product. Congrats. So much capability… we will go to production with this.

A video about setting up a character with the BoneIKController so that he can walk on an uneven terrain would be very appreciated!


Love it @PirateJC, caracter animation sounds cool in general :slight_smile: I loved the animation group one.

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Make a flappyBird with babylon.Js
Here are the assets.
You can import them into blender3D and then export them in .babylon format with physical properties or directly import them to the engine in GLTF format.

Escenario.glb.zip (6.0 KB)

What I would like you to explain are the following things:
-All project with typescript
-import models with Physical properties from Blender3D
-Access physical properties of imported objects from Blender3D
-Move objects with physical properties.
-detect collisions by groups or tags.
-routines to increase the difficulty from time to time
-reset button after dying
-tips to organize the code using typescript.
-Some visual effects on the materials
-some visual effects in the world
I think it would be a great tutorial and it would help me to better understand the engine

The more examples of simple games the faster we will understand how to develop a project with this tool.
Thank you.