Add glow to NodeMaterial


So far I’ve been using PBRMaterials with GlowLayer for glow effects. But now I need to build my own materials in Node Material Editor. How can I add glow to NodeMaterial? Can I somehow convert the NodeMaterial to PBRMaterial or…?

The glow layer actually can rely on material’s emissiveColor even if it is a nodeMaterial, so a really hack way is
Besides, as far as I know there is no good way to convert NodeMaterial to PBRMaterial, you can try to use PBRCustomMaterial or material plugin, but they need you to write the shader your own.

You can also consider writing a material plugin.

I’m quite confused what’s going on here, since NodeMaterial doesn’t have emissive properties NodeMaterial | Babylon.js Documentation.

Ok, but I’m using TypeScript, so if I // @ts-ignore emissive assign lines, then it runs… However this completely ignores my opaticy/alpha… which is not good…

Here’s the example of the problem.

@Evgeni_Popov Would Material Plugin solve the problem of ignored alpha/opacity?

When setting the emissiveTextureAndColor, it use the (<any>material).emissiveColor directly, that’s the reason. So as I said it is a really hack way, it is not recommended to use before you absolutely know what you’re doing.
As for the ignore the alpha, I think it is expected, you can try to reduce the glowlayer’s intensity:, or maybe what you need is not glowlayer?

Edit: Set emissiveIntensity can also have the same effect for only one mesh:

I’m building some glowing UI, eg:


Yeah GlowLayer is very easy to setup quickly, but maybe what I need is a PostProcess instead…

I think using the glowlayer is a good approach for your situation, but maybe you should turn to PBRCustomMaterial or material plugin.

You can try something like that to take alpha into account:

I don’t think alpha mode can do what I want. Also it looks like the glow is based on the texture, however it always glows the whole mesh of the object. And what I want is to have more glow on the areas with higher alpha, and no glow when alpha is 0.

But I realized that I’m using DefaultRenderingPipeline, so I can achieve a similar result with bloom effect:
