After deleting skybox and material maps in sandbox, the exported babylon file also includes environment files


After deleting skybox and material maps in sandbox, the exported babylon file also includes environment files

Can you describe exactly what you did before exporting to a .babylon file so that we can try to reproduce the situation?

I first import the glb file into Sandbox, and then delete the skybox and env maps on the left side. The exported Babylon file does not contain anything about the environment, but when I import the Babylon file into the scene, the environment maps I have already deleted will be loaded. I am not sure where the white environment file comes from, but I have already deleted it

How do you delete the env map?

I tried your steps and it did work for me (no error in the sandbox when I reopened the exported file). To delete the env map, I unchecked “Environment texture (IBL)”:


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Hello, where can I find the Environment texture (IBL) button? I can’t find…

The Scene tab of the Inspector


Thank you very much. We have found it. You must first click on the scene.

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您好 ,我重新测试了一下,关闭 Environment texture (IBL) 后, 使用appendAsync 导入后还是会出现 ,我在场景里找到了他,我不明白他为什么

@Evgeni_Popov @labris

Ok, but as asked above, what are the exact steps you did in the sandbox (studio.env is not the default environment in the sandbox), I couldn’t reproduce myself.

I first import the glb file into sandbox, then delete skybox and everything related to env from the list on the left. Then, I close the Environment texture (IBL) button on the scene tab. In theory, the exported babylon file does not contain any materials and textures from sandbox (I just want to use it to convert the format), but the exported babylon file has an extra texture called studio. env

Your input file must reference a studio.env file somehow: I uploaded one of my .glb file to the sandbox, removed the hdrSkyBox mesh + skyBox material, disabled the IBL, exported to .babylon => this file does not have any occurrence of “studio” nor “.env”.

The above operations are indispensable: delete objects, materials, textures, and then go to the scene to close IBL. I have to say that I just want to convert the format, but I didn’t expect it to be a bit troublesome

I don’t see how to delete a texture from the sandbox(?)