.babylon export from Sandbox - missing parameters?

Hey all,
I am adjusting a scene in Sandbox specifically with regards to Scene/Environment settings. I had an expectation that changes made to parameters in Sandbox don’t always have an corresponding output to .glB file formats because some settings do not exist in the glTF standard. I do however expect that any settings I make, and save/export as a .babylon file would remain written to the file.

The latter seems mostly true, but I am missing the rotation for the environment texture. Environment texture is set to Rotation Y = 0, by default. Changing that value to something significant such as 5.38, does not appear to be saved, nor can I find a reference to data in the .babylon file that corresponds to that parameter.

Is it a bug? Or are my expectations for what is saved to .babylon just way off?

Thanks any and all!

Let’s see if @sebavan knows about this

This seems like a bug, I ll check ASAP

Thank you both!

will be fixed by few fixes by sebavan · Pull Request #12153 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

Fantastic! Unbelievable community, as always.

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