Ambient occlusion exponent

Hi all, I know there is an ambientTextureStrength property which basically takes the AO texture and multiplies it by a constant. What im looking for is something like an occlusion exponent (multiply the texture by itself). is there any way to do that in PBRMaterial out of the box (without authoring a custom PBRmaterial via shader editor)

if not, i think this would be a nice addition to PBRMaterial as often artists are trying to ‘amp up’ the affect of occlusion on certain surfaces without necessarily having to bake that in to the base occlusion map.

It is unfortunately not supported outside NME or material plugins :frowning:

thats what i figured. I think pre-multiplying the texture in photoshop should provide equivalent results. Would require artists to make a new texture for what they are are looking for and thats fine.

On that note, are Ambient textures expected to be in gamma or linear space when we author them?

Also I honestly have not played with the material plugin system which I think is new to v5.0. This may not be hard to do… just perform expontent operation on incoming ambient Texture… I think?


yup about material plugin, it would be exactly this, and ambient is expected in linear space.