Blender Skeletal animation. Animation "falls through" after export to GLB


Okay, so I have animation of an arm exported from Blender. In the Blender this animation looks fine, basically, its scooping something from the table. After the export hand is going through the floor, and I am not sure why.

I am not quite sure where is the source of the problem, is the export, where I need to setup something, or is it bone related, blending…?
You can see the issue in the playground.

I will share .blend file as well if anyone is interested to check it out. I appreciate any help, as I am not sure in which direction I should move exactly to solve the issue. (4.6 MB)

Are you exporting to .babylon or .gltf to better scope whom we can ask :slight_smile:

Exporting as gltf. Tried various animation export options in Blender, nothing seems to help.

Is your model working in other gltf viewers ? (this will help narrow down the issue to the blender exporter or babylon loader)

I can confirm that it is the same issue on all viewers.

I tried exporting with gltf, but the file does not open in Blender.

Maybe Blender version? I had issues opening the file with an older version. Works with LTS one.

There is some Python script when opening the file.
Also, I had no luck with exporting this file to FBX, which is strange.

It was version 3.5, and in the latest version 4.2, the same symptom occurred when exported to glb.
Differences along local axes were expected but could not be confirmed.

Given that it’s the same behavior in other glTF viewers, it’s likely to be an export issue. Maybe ask the Blender folks.