Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum, first time posting on any forum as a matter of fact.
My goto library for artistic programs or anything graphics (2d) was (and still for quick sketches) is p5.js
Hence i was using webgl from p5.js, which is ok for a quick sketch or two, but not powerful and does not give the performance i desire.
I recently made this thing where you can using nothing but p5.js , you can have a look here : https://workingbuild.herokuapp.com/
you can have a look at a video of how the site is like roughly
I wish to recreate it (if possible) in babylon, since it i don’t think i can target low end devices this way, or even expand what I’m trying to do.
In a nutshell, i made it so that with a few small changes, a p5 sketch can be used as a texture on any plane and support mouse events, beautiful things can be done this way like playing chess on a wall, real time with another player moving around and such. The site i linked does somewhat the same, i have a flocking simulation put in there for demonstration
using it is very easy since we can just pass a PGraphic object to the texture() function before drawing a plane, this PGraphic can be a object of its own, and we can figure out mouse collisions using others algos ( i am using aabb for now but i wish to make this better too ) .
I was wondering if it is possible to make it so that i can have a p5 PGrahpic object as a texture on babylon planes. I wish to be able to have the freedom so that every wall is a program of its own and can be however complex, I recently demonstrated this which is not on the internet but it used p5.js as well and pretty much the same concept, imagine walking down a lobby which is like a gallery, one wall has game of life running in it, the other has a cloth simulation, another is the Mandelbrot set. It truly is a beautiful site and shows the beauty of computer graphics.
Thank you for reading this, I would be very happy if this is possible!