In preparation for the Babylon 5.0 release, I’d like to share with you a free seamless textures library with most assets released under public domain - CC0 open source license.
We need help with translation to French, Spanish, German, etc. (no coding, just static JSON files with phrases)
Suggest useful features/ideas (ex. turn on/off shadows) - please post it here for discussion.
If you have full exclusive rights or can create high quality original texture packs, PM me for a contributor account. Contributors can get attribution links to their portfolio, but must release their work to public domain (or at least free for commercial use).
There is a plan to add at least 1000 new original textures over time (mainly for architecture design) for our work-in-progress room planner app. The next step might be to create a Mesh models assets library.
@ecoin : Excellent mate One thought I did have was it needs a “grass” texture then I can make blends of rocks and mud with the grass to use the “babylon.mixMaterial.min.js” babylon script.
@ecoin : Just add a nice grass texture. I have a Blender file I use to mix textures. So I could mix your grass file with your rock file in Blender to create a mixed file (“stony grass” for example) that can be used with the babylon script.
Not a very nice one, got this seamless grass leaf texture so far (the texture repeat pattern is too large for the mesh resolution to depict heightmap correctly, but if you zoom in, it looks like grass)
Is there MacOS version for it? I have a long list of textures that could be quickly created with this tool. There are tons of beautifully created seamless texture photos on the web that can be converted to PBR with this tool. Providing you modify it enough (mixing like you did), it can be released to public domain to benefit all!