Hi, I’ve been digging into the CannonJSPlugin to try to add support for convex hull impostors. I wanted to get feedback on what the requirements or complications are for supporting convexHull in the Babylon plugin. I know convexHull has some collision issues, but I was able to get the plugin working with some simple meshes. I’m assuming the object being passed to the plugin is a Mesh. Here is what I’ve tried so far
invoking the convex hull impostor
mesh.physicsImpostor = new PhysicsImpostor(mesh, PhysicsImpostor.ConvexHullImpostor, { mass: 0 }, scene);
CannonJSPlugin.js ~line 354
CannonJSPlugin.prototype._createShape = function (impostor) {
switch (impostor.type) {
case PhysicsImpostor.ConvexHullImpostor:
const rawVert = object.getVerticesData("position")
const rawNorm = object.getVerticesData("normal");
const rawIndices = object.getIndices();
const vertices = [];
const normals = [];
const faces = [];
for ( let i=0 ; i < rawVert.length ; i+=3 ) {
new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(
rawVert[ i ],
rawVert[ i + 1 ],
rawVert[ i + 2 ]
new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(
rawNorm[ i ],
rawNorm[ i + 1 ],
rawNorm[ i + 2 ]
for ( let i=0 ; i < rawIndices.length ; i+=3 ) {
rawIndices[ i ],
rawIndices[ i + 1 ],
rawIndices[ i + 2 ]
// Construct polyhedron
returnValue = new this.BJSCANNON.ConvexPolyhedron({ vertices, faces })
I noticed in the PhysicsImpostor.MeshImpostor
there’s some logic to transform the world coordinates and convert the rawVerts. I don’t know exactly why this is done or if it would need to be done on the convex hull as well.
Again, I’ve only tried this with my simple use case. I’m curious what other use cases might be or if there are specific meshes I should use to test with.