Hey there, BJS Forum
I noticed an odd problem: When updating my project from 7.14 to 7.3 the colorspace(?) or texture-interpolation(?) or something(?) changed, making the appearance way daker. I have changed nothing in my code or on the textures, only updated the BJS version… I use a custom loader to use .basis textures, putting them on a standart-material as emissive textures. i don’t use any post-processes or pipelines.
I noticed in the inspector, that the textures changed from “Use sRGB buffer” (=no) and “is Gamma space” (=yes) in 7.14 to “Use sRGB buffer” (=yes) and “is Gamma space” (=no) in BJS 7.3.
Please see attatched image for details.
Can someone please explain to me, why this is happening, what changed and how i can adapt my settings to change it back? The lighter version looks way nicer!