After clicking the share button (bottom right) I need to wait like 1.5 seconds before menu appears, while for example the contact (top right) is instant. Feels weird, the first time I almost clicked twice.
HDRIs : The lighting is nice, but I would choose some HDRIs with details everywhere. Here I feel like except for the lights, the rest is pure background color (which never happens in real life). For taking a photograph in a studio it’s nice, but for 3D rendering, it always feels like fake when an object is shiny + non textured (plain color)
Example here with the green of the guitar which looks fake when plain color, while OK when textured
Thank you SOOO MUCH for your feedback!
Your feedback is very valuable @Tricotou
You’re right! We need to have a spinner of some kind to indicate the Client-server exchange, though 1,5 seconds is a great result! In my location it’s up to 8 sec now.
HDRIs : Also true, the guitar is flat at this angle, we’ll update the assets . As to the reflections — we’re still figuring out the ballance between quality and performance. This thing is also very well adapted to the Mobile
BTW, if you noticed, the checkout and share dialogs contain a snapshot of the 3D. The issue you were helping us with was about this snapshot and we didn’t defeat it in the end
We use dedicated cameras for 2 angles of possible screenshots and for those camera we had to disable the rendering of custom images. It’s here:
Amazing work! If you could open source the glass and diamond shaders that would be amazing. Completely understand if you can’t but what BJS (and other engines) lack is a well-polished library of assets to get people started
Thank you, @j-te
We are going to open the sources for the diamonds, but not now, unfortunately, it’s currently under an agreement
We will share a little later, the community must grow and develop!
I use to be unhappy when a (light) client-server exchange is over 30ms
By the way, I think it’s not necessary to do any server exchange for opening the share window, even considering that it’s containing a screenshot, it could be 100% client side …
And then eventually you could do the rest (with spinner and so on) only when clicking a specific share button (Telegram, etc). I guess you are sending some kind of JSON based config to the server, server giving back a config_id, this could (should) be instant even across the world
Yeah, the current flow as a “compromise”, as you may notice. The “saveConfiguration” flow is triggered as soon as you open Cart or Share dialogue. We thought that for a demo it’ll do and we’ll push more improvements over time
Wow. I luv it I luv it when people use BJS not just for gaming but also to enhance the CX for commercial projects. And this one, I can clearly feel the love in creating these objects and FX. The UI is also slick, nice and appropriate. The price of the guitar with options though is not matching my budget
Performance? yes… nothing to report here. Checked it on my legacy rig I use for performance check (with just a 1gb mid-range gpu from a decade ago)… and honestly, I get a very reasonable 25 to 30fps. Far enough for this kind of thingy so I’d say you’re all good there.
Ok, cheering only is not very productive, is it? So, as a designer, I’m gonna bounce on the comment from @Tricotou
I will have to agree with this. Yes the (initial) materials are nice (although, from a pure PBR standpoint - don’t get me wrong, they are quite good - but…could be improved (in my opinion only). The HDRI thingy would be just a ‘nice to have’ in my opinion (again). Essentially, both in the guitar and jewellery examples, it’s how the direct light reflects just ‘flat’ on the surface and the lack of changes of colors under light (and the lack of surface/micro-surface on wood or brushed metallic parts) that kind of gives me the feeling of something that is not just totally ‘achieved’. Again, simple designer’s comment here. Don’t count on me to do the code and everything else that seems to work just beautifully
Great job. I’m eager to see the ‘final’ version. Meanwhile, have a great day
Just to make this clear for the people who clearly did put a LOT of love an efforts into this.
I wouldn’t be discussing the details if the project was not already of such a high quality
It’s always a lot easier to improve (or ‘shit comment’ ) than to ‘create’. Though, I have the feeling that your project would deserve to include just this ‘little’ additional touch. To turn it from a very good project into a ‘great project’ . As said, my opinion only (and of course, is also depending on the timeframe and resources available). Again, GJ and have a great sunday