Examples from the playground

I’m very intrigued by this… but the example doesn’t currently work? (when I tried it).

I’m doing a lot of human swarm interaction modelling in babylonjs.

hmm thats odd it used to work, I wonder why its broken now. When I get a chance Ill look here.

Hmmmm really weird, if you go to:
then manually set it to the 11th playground it will work?

By the way, if you update mesh to look at the camera in scene.onBeforeRender, then I suggest using billboard mode instead. Way better

the sketch runs; however, I don’t see any agents
before I change anything ^

what does manually set it to the 11th playground mean? <-- sorry new to this.

the playground link format is the playground code then the iteration. so the link that I posted second is the 8th iteration which has none of the tracking stuff while #11 is the 11th playground iteration.

but here is the fixed scene

but sps will do well with this

Found this one from a while back.


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All Structures are all grey. It will be cool if you add random gradient colors that change with time.



Look at: Project Xtreme!

https://playground.babylonjs.com/#79HPX7#61 webgl 2.0 only I guess.

Physics playground.

I have a local version with lots lots lots more… I should upload that sometime cause it has character animation controllers, rope bridges, ropes, hinge systems, a buoyancy model, real environment, shadows etc. This was the prototype and shows how to work with some of a physics engines internal features that might not be available readily though bjs.

If you pick up a box, it will be harder to hold depending on its weight and size of you are.on earlier versions of this, I think this version had that mass calculations stripped


Can you give me the Babylon-Playground-link of this project?

Should be on the post above the image. Ill be uploading the github project that has way more features at some point.

Hmm… It doesn’t work.

hmm odd its working for me let me check an other browser. Does not work with webgl 1.0 looks like. Try on chrome.

Updated code so I now only use one model and make the ground damage visible once the sword hits
Watch out for Swords


Love the sound system!

Cool! :+1:t2:
