Watch out for spaceships!
First off, wow, so many cool new playgrounds. Y’all are killing it!!
Ok, newest revision has a few targets and I have collision with the targets. The code has gotten monstrously ugly again and there are bugs, hopefully next rev I can get them sorted.
Pretty sure my collision code needs a lot of work, will be making a smaller version I can ask more questions about on the forum to hopefully get help with a more efficient and sensible solution.
Watch Out for Swords - rev 2
Wow, nice project!
Bow down before Necips, Master of Swords!!!
First off, Necips, awesome. So cool to have someone mess with my playground, I am honored!
Cleaned up code a bunch. Was getting a lot of false hits so redid collision. Now just takes in to account original crosshair x,y and compares to target’s x, y and radius, so more accurate.
Made a transform node to gather up all the misses. Made inspector much cleaner.
Also you can only throw a single sword at a time due to me getting some weird issues with swords occasionally hanging in mid-air. Will sort so Necips can return to being the sword ninja!
Have a quickie GUI for score. Wanted to do more but took me ages to figure out how to properly do that. Was surprised to find so little info on that in the docs. Would not be sad to see a future GUI vid from @PirateJC in the future. Hint, hint, pretty please
Watch Out for Swords 5
Ok @Necips, new revision brings back multiple shots. I was having an issue with swords being a hit but then being off, I think because Target moved at just the wrong time. I sorted by checking all the Hits and if the hit is off, moving it back on the Target in the registerAfterRender. Not perfect, but it works.
Thanks for the thumbs up @REX_DUNGEUR!
My goal is still to have the Targets move, but more smoothly back and forth across the screen, not like the current teleport. Or possibly have one row move and another teleport. I also need to fix the GUI on mobile but honestly, I find the GUI very confusing.
@MyFault - GUI video? Done! I’ll add this to my list for upcoming videos! Thanks for the request!!!
You should showcase how to customize the gui with textures as well, it’s almost a hidden feature lol
I’d love to see the full project when you get it uploaded
Hardware instancing
I made little adjustments. Hope it helped. Link to the playground here.
Audio analyzer #1
Ok, tweaked a few things. Had issues with using a new font, as it would only load up after a click happened. I sorted by make a “click to begin” button, but I really hate that solution.
Edited this post because my first pass with just normal instance was soooo slow on my phone. Now redone using thin instances and it is waaay faster
Watch Out for Swords
Particle spikes
Dude with stick figure
Some weird machine
Life is a highway
frame it
box city
just another point of view
Weird Lines
line triangle
Ribbon rocket
babylon js yayyy