I know that but thanks!
Yaw Roll and Pitch with wsad controls.
Made this one a long time ago just found it while digging trough old PGs
Added in some levels and moving targets. Need to fix a bunch again, collision seems a bit iffy and I want a better layout of targets each level, right now it’s just an array that eventually gets pretty random, but where getting somewhere!
Watch Out for Swords!
So Rex the point of this thread is kinda to post playground that you dont have direct access too.
It seems that you are posting ones that anyone can find simply by looking at the example scenes the playground provides.
Procedural Sky System with Moon Phases
A bunch of my math is off on this but it works for the most part. Need to fix the moon zenith and the color mixing, plus expose a bunch of hardcoded stuff in the shader and add clouds n things… but yeah.
I keep running across these things as Im digging around PGs looking for example code for my work. Forgot about quite a few of them.
Wanted to comment on that
Create something or find something awesome and post here
might throw your box city into VR and walk around it, check it out… thanks for pointing to it.
Wow! Nice!
wow i love this!
my compliments
Wow awesome man!!
Instanced Dudes with AsciiArt postProcess
Chain between 2 Points Enhanced version.
You can drag ends of the Chain