Hi! I am curious if anyone knows how to get the same effect in Babylon as I am getting in Blender.
The image above is what I am trying to get it to look like. Below is the link to the Babylon playground.
What I enabled in Blender to get this effect says “Display Render Preview” - It is in the very top right of the screen. I cannot add a screenshot, as I am a new user on the forums.
Out of interest, is that how Babylon works under the hood, creating custom shaders for different materials based on their properties, subbing in bits as required?
Yes, for some of the shader parameters, some code is removed/added from the final shader code, as they correspond to #ifdef / #endif blocks in the shader: if the #ifdef evaluates to false, the corresponding code is not emitted.
That’s what happens here: when unlit is false, a big chunk of code is removed from the shader and a smaller one if you only use disableLighting = true.
Do you guys know if there is a way to scale the unlit effect? I am kind of looking for an in-between now. I’m currently researching, just wanted to see if you guys had a quick solution.