It is flat model, from other side these faces have right orient.
Anyway, on the models with more “righted” normal orientation I still see shading effect, and I need disable it.
Yep, i tried these options. I want just flat model, without any shading, just reflection map and nothing more =)
As I know normals use for shading, so I want disable them processing in my scene. Seems like it low level render feature
If i understood correctly, you don’t want any black spots or areas…
I assume (without looking deeper) that this is due to some ancient math issue (something * 0 = black)
I tried something like this and it looks like hacking, but in fact dont fixed.
And the depend from infulence working just with one morpth, but what will be when morphing target are several with non zero value?
But this decision better then nothing! Currently I will use it.
And I still dont understand why when I setup morph target to 1.0 shading are correctly (as I expect).
ps. sorry for my english, its really hard to describe .)