GLB export and auto animation

I have the problem that when exporting GLB for Windows Office apps, the animations are not played automatically or not at all. Everything runs fine in preview mode.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your support,

Pinging @bghgary

Welcome to the forums!

Can you be more specific? What kind of animations? What do you mean by “preview mode”?

Thank you,
I am not a 3ds Max professional but a graphic designer with focus on PowerPoint presentations.
With animated 3D objects this would offer us completely new possibilities.
I have created some JPGs with screenshots showing the problem under the link below.

I still don’t understand what you mean by “preview mode”. Can you explain what you mean by this?

Office currently only supports skinning animation and not other types of animations. Maybe that’s what you are running into?

With the preview mode I meant the Microsoft 3D viewer.
In this viewer the animations (also Goup animations with scenes) are played correctly but in PowerPoint there are no animations.

Okay, thanks. 3D viewer supports more features than Office at the moment. Like I said before, only skinned animation is supported in Office. You might consider posting to places like this instead or use the feedback tool from the Office apps directly.

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