Has the way reflections on PBR materials are rendered changed?

Example: default PG with the Boombox.

By default boombox is seen from behind, but you can still see a little bit of the speakers, and these look different for BabylonJS version 6.49.0 and latest version (it’s not only speakers that are different but I think those are the easiest to notice).

I’ve tried to find a version that introduced this change, and my guess is something was added in v. 7.32.2, but I can’t be sure what exactly (frame graph MR?).

My question is mainly if this change was intentional, or is it possibly a bug of some kind?

Thank you!

Do you mean this:


The fact that it is a bit brighter ?

If yes, this is a change introduce by @MiiBond to become closer to the ray traced version.

@MiiBond could you share a ray traced version of this one ?

Yes, precisely, this part looks a bit brighter. For other parts specular light looks “in a different place” sort of. (Not in a bad way so to say, but just different)

The specular should not have changed. Can you share the playground with a position of the camera showing this ? (I can not repro)

No, you’re right, it’s just the brighter speakers. Sorry for the confusion, I must’ve overlooked the camera angles or something.
Ok, so if it is an expected change, i guess my question can be resolved (?).

yup the PBR is basically getting better :slight_smile: thanks to @MiiBond

@sebavan forgive the dumb question… are there any docs about PBR improvements? are these improvements turned on automatically under the hood or do we need to be aware of any new flags? Also… raytracing. Do we have a raytracing renderer now? :flushed: (i was only aware of the raymarching improvements)

raytracing is done in external tools to provide us with a target to reach in term of rendering :slight_smile:

Improvments/bug fixes are always turned on by default with a flag to go back to the previous version.

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Got it, thank you very much for clarification :bowing_man:

Here is how it improved :wink:

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