I want to know how to achieve light lines changes on the body of a car when it is in motion
The colorful light reflected by the car body?
UV animation, prepare a mesh to cover the surface of the car, the surface where the light flows, prepare a png texture of the light, and use a shader to move the texture.
instanceMesh, use the lines of a noodle shaped entity to plan the path of the lines, and then use a bezier curve to calculate the position, similar to the manual control of a tailline.
The first and second “longpress effects” can be achieved through UV animation, and the last two effects need shader,I think
鼠标按下去的时候车身的光线变化,有没有可能是cubemap 的运动,然后车身本身发射cubemap产生的效果?
Is it possible that it is the movement of cubemap?Vehicle reflection
That is reflection probe, he use a 6 capture to generate a dynamic CubeTexture.
Thank you master