Imported GLB model won't light up

Thanks @sebavan. The same does not seem to be true for GLTFs that are not PBRs? For the second example model (which is actually the model i’m working with, versus the shark, which i’d just used as a BJS standard), the env lighting does make a difference, but only a bit. Ie: still hard to see the model in the space. Any tips for lighting a non-PBR in GLTF format? Or would you just convert to some other format that works better with BJS?

ps. I tried exporting it as a .babylon file from Blender, but same result. here’s the export log:

Exporter version: 6.1.2, Blender version: 2.80 (sub 75)
========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========
	Scene settings used :
		inline textures     :  false
		Material Type       :  PBR
		Positions Precision :  4
		Normals Precision   :  3
		UVs Precision       :  3
		Vert Color Precision:  3
		Mat Weight Precision:  2
		texture directory   :  public/models/astrolowpoly/
	Python World class constructor completed
	processing begun of camera (UniversalCamera):  Camera
	processing begun of mesh:  Astronaut_mesh
		processing begun of material:  Astronaut_mat
			WARNING: unsupported node type(ShaderNodeMixRGB) will trigger baking
			processing texture 
				texture type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "TEXCOORD_0"
			Baking texture, type: DIFFUSE, mapped using: TEXCOORD_0
			processing texture Astronaut_mat_DIFFUSE
				texture type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "TEXCOORD_0"
			bake time:  0 min, 1.7102 secs
		Custom split normals with tangents being used
		num positions      :  3322
		num normals        :  3322
		num tangents       :  3322
		num uvs            :  6644
		num uvs2           :  0
		num colors         :  0
		num indices        :  4812
	processing begun of light (POINT):  fill
	processing begun of light (POINT):  key
	processing begun of light (POINT):  back
========= Writing of JSON file started =========
========= Writing of JSON file completed =========
========= end of processing =========
elapsed time:  0 min, 2.1686 secs

And the model: is here: